5 research outputs found

    Climatologically significant effects of space-time averaging in the North Atlantic sea - air heat flux fields

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    Differences between “classical” and “sampling” estimates of mean climatological heat fluxes and their seasonal and interannual variability are considered on the basis of individual marine observations from the Comprehensive Ocean–Atmosphere Data Set. Calculations of fluxes were done for intramonthly averaging and for 1°–5° spatial averaging. Sampling estimates give in general 10% to 60% higher values of fluxes than do classical estimates. Spatial averaging has a larger effect than temporal averaging in the Tropics and subtropics, and temporal averaging is more effective than spatial averaging in midlatitudes. The largest absolute differences between sampling and classical estimates of fluxes are observed in middle latitudes, where they are 15 to 20 W m−2 for sensible heat flux and 50 to 70 W m−2 for latent heat flux. Differences between sampling and classical estimates can change the annual cycle of sea–air fluxes. There is a secular tendency of increasing “sampling- to-classical” ratios of 1% to 5% decade−1 over the North Atlantic. Relationships between sampling-to-classical ratios and parameters of the sea–air interface, the number of observations, and the spatial arrangement of samples are considered. Climatologically significant differences between sampling and classical estimates are analyzed in terms of the contribution from different covariances between individual variables. The influence of different parameterizations of the transfer coefficients on sampling minus classical differences is considered. Parameterizations that indicate growing transfer coefficients with wind speed give the larger sampling minus classical differences in comparison with those based on either constant or decreasing with wind coefficients. Nevertheless, over the North Atlantic midlatitudes, all parameterizations indicate significant sampling minus classical differences of about several tens of watts per square meter. The importance of differences between sampling and classical estimates for the evaluation of meridional heat transport shows that differences between sampling and classical estimates can lead to 0.5–1-PW differences in meridional heat transport estimates

    Changes of Wind Waves in the North Atlantic over the last 30 years

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    In order to evaluate long-term climatic changes in wind wave height, visual wave estimates available from the Comprehensive Ocean–Atmosphere Data Set (GOADS) were updated for the period from 1964 to 1993. Analysis of the accuracy of visual estimates shows that observations from merchant ships can be used for the study of climate changes in storminess. Climate changes obtained in significant wave height, computed on the basis of the voluntary observed data, are quite consistent with those shown by the instrumental records at OWS L, Seven Stones Light Vessel and NDBC buoys. The linear trends in significant wave height, as well as in the wind sea and swell heights, were computed for the entire North Atlantic. Significant wave height increases of 10–30 cm/decade over the whole of the North Atlantic, except for the western and central subtropics were found. Changes in the swell height are very consistent with those seen in significant wave height. Nevertheless, wind sea indicates strong upward tendencies only in the central mid-latitudinal North Atlantic and does not show any significant trends in the Northeast Atlantic, where instrumental records of Bacon and Carter report secular changes of about 1% a year. Wind waves of smaller occurrences show significantly negative changes in the Northeast Atlantic; that is in agreement with the wind sea periods changes. Possible mechanisms driving the swell changes with no pronounced increase of the sea height and wind velocity are discussed. Changes in the intensities of intramonthly variability in different synoptic ranges are considered as the major agent of the increasing swell. The conclusion is made that the upward swell changes are driven by the intensification of high frequency synoptic processe